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[Fizinfo] Tanszéki szeminárium, ELTE Anyagfizikai Tsz.

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  • From: Zsolt Kovacs <kovacszs AT>
  • To: fizinfo AT
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] Tanszéki szeminárium, ELTE Anyagfizikai Tsz.
  • Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 11:05:14 +0200

ELTE Fizikai Intézet, Anyagfizikai Tanszék TANSZÉKI SZEMINÁRIUM
!!!!! FIGYELEM A SZOKÁSOSTÓL ELTÉRŐ SZEMINÁRIUMI ALKALOM !!!!! !!!!! KEZDÉS KEDD DÉLUTÁN 14.00-kor !!!!! 2017. május 30., kedd, 14:00-kor ELTE, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A alatti épületében, 4.52 (Sas Elemér) teremben Peter Derlet (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Svájc) Critical stress statistics in a simplified dislocation dynamic model Abstract: A simplified dislocation dynamics model developed to study micro-plasticity and the transition to yield is presented [1]. Here, an explicit dislocation population represents the mobile dislocation content and an internal shear- stress field represents a static mean-field description of the immobile dislocation content. The model exhibits scale-free avalanche phenomenon, with an exponent and scaling-collapse for the strain-burst magnitude distribution equal to that of a mean-field de-pinning transition. Using the approach of extreme-value-statistics, the current talk will focus on the statistics of the critical stresses at which the discrete plastic events occur [2], and how the statistics change as the yield transition is approached. Via a linear stability analysis, it is found that the locally stable dislocation structure prior to a plastic event is related, via a fold catastrophe, to the emerging structural instability [3]. The talk concludes discussing about the possible generality and applicability of the results to more realistic descriptions of dislocation mediated plasticity. [1] P. M. Derlet and R. Maass, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 21, 035007 (2013). [2] P. M. Derlet and R. Maass, J. Appl. Phys. 120, 225101 (2016). [3] P. M. Derlet and R. Maass, Phys. Rev. E 94, 033001 (2016). Minden érdeklődőt szívesen várunk. A szemeszter szemináriumainak programja megtalálható a honlapon a Szemináriumok címszó alatt Kovács Zsolt

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