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- From: Balogh Judit <baloghj AT>
- To: fizinfo AT
- Subject: [Fizinfo] Symposium of the Network of Hungarian Mössbauer Laboratories
- Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 08:17:00 +0100
Tisztelt Kollégák!
Felhívjuk a figyelmet a következõ rendezvényünkre:
SNHML 2014 Symposium of the Network of Hungarian Mössbauer Laboratories
Idõpont: 2014. november 7. - 8.
Helyszín: MTA Wigner FK, I. épület, tanácsterem
1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.
7th November, Friday
14:00 Opening
14:30 I. Dézsi: Material Science
15:00 D. L. Nagy: Highlights and lessons of a life in Mössbauer spectroscopy
15:30 I. Vincze: Past, Present and Future
16:00 Coffee break
16:15 P. Gütlich: Four Decades of Spincrossover Research in Mainz - Selected Highlights, Trends, Perspectives
16:45 Z. Homonnay and E. Kuzmann: In memoriam Attila Vértes
17:00 L. Deák: Various types of reciprocity violation in Mössbauer
17:30 O. Leupold: Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation - From Pilot Experiments Towards a Powerful Technique
19:00 Conference dinner
8th November, Saturday
10:00 M. Ghafari: Influence of Interface on Physical Properties of Nanoglass
10:30 M. Miglienrini: Structural transformations of metallic glasses followed by nuclear methods
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 M. Pápai: Predicting Mössbauer Parameters of Iron-bearing Molecules with Density Functional Theory.
11:30 Z. Németh: Competing microscopic and macroscopic phase separations in doped lanthanum cobaltate perovskites
11:45 E. Kuzmann: Mössbauer study of methyl-isopropyl-glyoxime complexes
12:00 Z. Homonnay: Mössbauer study of the pyrolysis of iron loaded ion exchange resins
Lunch break
13:30 H. Spiering: The effect of self-absorption of a 57Co source in an iron matrix
14:00 A. Lancok: Nuclear methods in characterization of highly corrosion-resistant steel
14:30 M. Reissner: FeSb2 reinvestigation of a well known substance
14:45 Coffee break
15:00 Z. Klencsár: Derivation of hyperfine parameter distributions on the basis of Mössbauer spectra of unpolarized thick absorbers
15:30 K. Lázár: Hydrolysis of iron salts in aprotic media: a path to formation of iron oxide aerogels
15:45 J. Balogh: Dependence of the blocking temperature of granular multilyers on the number of magnetic layers
16:00 Closing
A legfontosabb tudnivalókat a szimpózium honlapja foglalja össze,
Minden érdeklõdõt szeretettel várunk!
Üdvözlettel a szervezõk,
Balogh Judit és Kuzmann Ernõ
- [Fizinfo] Symposium of the Network of Hungarian Mössbauer Laboratories, Balogh Judit, 10/30/2014
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