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[Fizinfo] Szechenyi Gabor eloadasa az ELTE-n jovo hetfon

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Andras Palyi <andraspalyi AT>
  • To: FIZINFO AT, nanofizika-szeminarium AT
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] Szechenyi Gabor eloadasa az ELTE-n jovo hetfon
  • Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 09:51:47 +0200

Az ELTE Nanofizika Szeminarium jovo hetfoi eloadasa:

Szechenyi Gabor (ELTE):
“Double quantum dots in carbon nanotubes"

Idopont: 2014. oktober 27., hetfo, 10:15
Helyszin: ELTE Eszaki Tomb, 5.128-as terem (1117 Budapest, Pazmany Peter
setany 1/A)

"Carbon nanotube quantum dots are promising candidates for solid-state
quantum information processing. The qubit is realized by a single electron in
the quantum dot, which can occupy an arbitrary superposition of two energy
eigenstates with antiparallel alignment of spin and valley. Using the
so-called Pauli blockade mechanism, this spin-valley qubit can be initialized
and read out via dc current measurement through a double quantum dot.
Motivated by experiments realizing this idea, we calculate the dependence of
the dc current through the double quantum dot on the external magnetic field,
the configuration of short-range impurities, and the geometry of the
nanotube. Our model establishes the parameter range where the proposed qubit
readout procedure works. Furthermore, our results provide understanding of
previously unexplained experimental features, including a narrow
antiresonance in the current as the magnetic field direction is varied. We
argue that the antiresonance provides a unique opportunity to detect static
or time-dependent variations of the nanotube geometry and the magnetic field
with high sensitivity, via measuring the dc current."

Tovabbi program:

Minden erdeklodot szivesen latunk.

Palyi Andras

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