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[Fizinfo] SZTE TTIK Fizikus Tanszekcsoport szeminarium, december 12

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Csete Maria <mcsete AT>
  • To: fizinfo AT
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] SZTE TTIK Fizikus Tanszekcsoport szeminarium, december 12
  • Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 00:21:27 +0100 (CET)


SZTE TTIK Fizikus Tanszékcsoport Szemináriuma

Eloado: Dr. Domokos Péter, MTA levelezo tagja
Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia,
Wigner Fizikai Kutatóközpont
Szilárdtest-fizikai és Optikai Intézet

Bose-Einstein kondenzátum optikai rezonátorban:
a Dicke-féle szuperradiáns kvantumfázisátalakulás felderítése

Idopont: 2013, december 12, 13 h
Helyszin: SZTE TTIK, Budo Agoston tanterem, Szeged, Dom ter 9

Absztrakt: The coherent coupling of a single mode of the resonator with motional excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate driven by a laser perpendicular to the cavity axis
was shown to be a formal realization of the Dicke model. This system led to the first observation of the phase transition in the Dicke model which is, in fact, the zero
temperature limit of the atomic self-organization in a cavity. Beyond the mapping of the phase diagram, the spontaneous symmetry breaking as well as the mode softening in the
excitations spectrum at the critical point have been demonstrated experimentally. The cavity-based realization is an open system, therefore the Dicke-type Hamiltonian does
not provide for a complete description. The critical behavior has been reinvestigated for the stationary state of the driven and damped system. We will show that the
non-equilibrium system exhibits a dynamical quantum phase transition. The critical point as well as the mean field solution are only slightly modified with respect to the
equilibrium phase transition in the ground state. However, the correlation functions describing the quantum fluctuations differ significantly in the two, equilibrium and
non-equilibrium, cases. Recent experiments revealed  the importance of the atom-atom s-wave scattering in quantitative description of data. Here we will show that the damping
of motional excitations is very sensitive to the coupling to a photon field and the Beliaev damping rate can be resonantly tuned by the external laser drive strength.

Minden erdeklodot szeretettel varunk.

Dr. Csete Maria

  • [Fizinfo] SZTE TTIK Fizikus Tanszekcsoport szeminarium, december 12, Csete Maria, 12/09/2013

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