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- From: Somogyi Gábor <somogyi.gabor AT>
- To: rmkiusers AT, fizinfo AT
- Subject: [Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
- Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 14:56:49 +0100
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Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
Tisztelettel meghívjuk
Horváth Anna
“The effect of extra dimensions on compact star observables”
címmel tartandó szemináriumára.
Kaluza and Klein proposed a theory with a compactified extra dimension, which
may appear in high-energy reactions or in the presence of superdense matter.
In this work, I show how astrophysical observables will be modified in the
presence of extra compactified dimensions.
The interior of a compact star is modelled as a multidimensional interacting
degenerate Fermi gas, embedded in a static, spherically symmetric spacetime
with extra compactified spatial dimensions. The equation of state of this
extreme medium is given and compared to the standard models of superdense
matter. The modification of the mass-radius relation of compact stars is
calculated and compared to realistic star models and astrophysical
observation data. The interaction strength has been determined for this
extraordinary matter. Constraints on the size of the extra dimension have
been estimated based on pulsar measurements [1,2].
[1] A. Horváth, E. Forgács-Dajka, G.G. Barnaföldi: "Application of
Kaluza-Klein Theory in Modeling Compact Stars: Exploring Extra Dimensions",
MNRAS, arXiv:2408.16497,
[2] A. Horváth, E. Forgács-Dajka, G.G. Barnaföldi: "The effect of multiple
extra dimensions on the maximal mass of compact stars in Kaluza-Klein
space-time", Accepted to International Journal of Modern Physics A,
Helye: Wigner FK RMI III. ép. Tanácsterem
Ideje: 2025 február 21. péntek d.u. 14 óra
Szívesen látunk minden érdeklődőt.
Somogyi Gábor
- [Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma, Somogyi Gábor, 02/03/2025
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma, Somogyi Gábor, 02/11/2025
- [Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma, Somogyi Gábor, 02/17/2025
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