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- From: Somogyi Gábor <somogyi.gabor AT>
- To: rmkiusers AT, fizinfo AT
- Subject: [Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
- Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2025 14:05:03 +0100
- Authentication-results: (amavis); dkim=pass (1024-bit key) reason="pass (just generated, assumed good)"
Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
Tisztelettel meghívjuk
Somogyi Gábor
(HUN-REN Wigner FK)
“NNLOCAL: completely local subtractions for color-singlet production in
hadron collisions”
címmel tartandó szemináriumára.
The precise theoretical description of particle collisions is of paramount
importance for fully exploiting the physics potential of the LHC and future
colliders. The comparison of accurate measurements with high-precision
calculations will be crucial not only for understanding subtle features of
the Standard Model, such as the exact shape of the Higgs potential, but may
also prove vital for finding signs of physics beyond the Standard Model. One
particular aspect of increasing precision involves computing higher-order
perturbative corrections to physical observables such as scattering cross
sections. However, the straightforward application of perturbation theory
beyond leading order is hampered by the presence of infrared singularities at
intermediate stages of the calculation. In this talk, we concentrate on
treating these singularities via the subtraction method and discuss the
extension of the completely local CoLoRFulNNLO scheme to the case of initial
state radiation. We then present NNLOCAL, a proof-of-concept Monte Carlo
program implementing our scheme for the case of color-singlet production in
hadron collisions.
Helye: Wigner FK RMI III. ép. Tanácsterem
Ideje: 2025 február 7. péntek d.u. 14 óra
Szívesen látunk minden érdeklődőt.
Somogyi Gábor
- [Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma, Somogyi Gábor, 02/03/2025
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma, Somogyi Gábor, 02/11/2025
- [Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma, Somogyi Gábor, 02/17/2025
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