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fizinfo - [Fizinfo] CSFK seminar -- Szanna Zsíros (SZTE TTIK Fizikai Intézet; Hungary Studying dusty core-collapse supernovae in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope -- Date: Jan 16 (Thursday)

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[Fizinfo] CSFK seminar -- Szanna Zsíros (SZTE TTIK Fizikai Intézet; Hungary Studying dusty core-collapse supernovae in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope -- Date: Jan 16 (Thursday)

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  • From: vidakris AT
  • To: seminar AT
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] CSFK seminar -- Szanna Zsíros (SZTE TTIK Fizikai Intézet; Hungary Studying dusty core-collapse supernovae in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope -- Date: Jan 16 (Thursday)
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 11:55:43 +0100
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Szemináriumi meghívó / Invitation to a seminar


Date: Jan 16 (Thursday) 14:00

Szanna Zsíros (SZTE TTIK Fizikai Intézet; Hungary: Studying dusty
core-collapse supernovae in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope

Core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) are the final evolutionary stages of massive
stars (> 8 solar masses). These events play a significant role in the
nucleosynthesis of numerous elements and have long been considered one of the
major stellar sources of cosmic dust. Cosmic dust grains are one of the
fundamental building blocks of the Universe. However, their various sources
(and their contribution) are not fully understood yet. Although dusty CCSNe
have been extensively studied for several decades, only a few young
extragalactic SNe provide direct observational evidence for dust
condensation. New observations indicate that ongoing dust formation in SNe
may last even decades. Nevertheless, there are still numerous open questions
about the formation mechanisms, morphology, and composition of dust grains in
the environment of CCSNe. Multiwavelength follow-up observations allow us to
explore the expanding SN ejecta and its interaction with the surrounding
medium, which is crucial in uncover
ing these details. Existing observations from the James Webb Space Telescope
seem to support that CCSNe are significant sources of cosmic dust.

The seminar will be held live in the Detre hall with audience, but also
streamed online via Zoom. If you are unable to attend the presentation in
person, you can join us via this link
or the meeting ID: 828 0691 1982 and passcode: 206265

Everyone is welcome!

Krisztián Vida, Ramon Brasser

  • [Fizinfo] CSFK seminar -- Szanna Zsíros (SZTE TTIK Fizikai Intézet; Hungary Studying dusty core-collapse supernovae in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope -- Date: Jan 16 (Thursday), vidakris, 01/10/2025

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