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[Fizinfo] Fwd: FW: HISPANOS Hands-On school on the production, detection and use of neutron beams

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Dr. Tamás Belgya <belgya.tamas AT>
  • To: Energiausers <energiausers AT>, Fizinfo <fizinfo AT>
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] Fwd: FW: HISPANOS Hands-On school on the production, detection and use of neutron beams
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 22:42:06 +0100
  • Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (1024-bit key) reason="pass (just generated, assumed good)"
  • Organization: MTA EK

Tisztelt Kollégák!

Felhívom a figyelmet a H2020 ARIEL project keretében szervezet nukleáris adat iskolára.

Üdvözlettel, Tamás

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FW: HISPANOS Hands-On school on the production, detection and use of neutron beams
Date: 2020-01-22 09:19
From: "Franco MICHEL-SENDIS, Nuclear Energy Agency" <Franco.MICHEL-SENDIS AT>
To: "'jeff AT'" <jeff AT>
Reply-To: jeff AT

Dear colleagues,

Please take note of the HISPANOS school being organized at the University of Sevilla at the end of May, within the framework of the H2020 ARIEL program.

More information on the email and links below :

[cid:image004.jpg AT 01D4A8FE.F7013CC0]

Franco Michel-Sendis, Ph.D.
Head of the Nuclear Data Service, Data Bank
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
Tel.: +33 (0)1 73 21 28 23
franco.michel-sendis AT<mailto:franco.michel-sendis AT><>
Follow the NEA on:
[]<> [] <> [] <>

Von: CARLOS GUERRERO SANCHEZ <cguerrero4 AT<mailto:cguerrero4 AT>>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Januar 2020 16:45
An: a.junghans AT<mailto:a.junghans AT>
Betreff: Can you please distribute this announcement to all the ARIEL members?

Dear Colleagues,

we are pleased to announce the H2020-ARIEL "HISPANOS Hands-On school on the production, detection and use of neutron beams" that will be held at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) in Seville, Spain.

The school, organized by the Universidad de Sevilla in the framework of the H2020 ARIEL project (<>), aims at covering the experimental aspects related to the production, detection and use of neutron beams. To this purpose, the core of the school is a series of experiments that will be carried out at the HISPANOS facility (<>) at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) in Seville, Spain. The experiments will be complemented with lectures covering the production and detection of neutrons, nuclear data needs, physics research at large neutron beam facilities and with large neutron detectors, applications using neutron beams, and a seminar on the career development in the neutron and nuclear data community.

The target audience comprises young researchers, which can be Master or PhD students as well young postdocs. The registration, travel and accommodation costs will be fully covered by the H2020 ARIEL Project.

Please visit the school website ( for detailed information on the programme and the list of lecturers.

The registration is open until February 15th at the school website.

Please help distributing this information and accept our apologies if you receive this email more than once.

Looking forward to meeting you in Seville,

Carlos Guerrero and Begoña Fernández

// Dpto. Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear // Unidad de Física Nuclear Básica //
// Universidad de Sevilla // Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) //
// Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n 41012 Sevilla (Spain) // C/ Thomas Alva Edison 7, 41092 Sevilla (Spain) //
// (+34)954559512 // (+34)954460553 //

Dr. Tamás Belgya
Director of MTA EK EKBI
Deputy Director General of MTA EK
Address: MTA EK
Konkoly-T. út 29-33
1121 Budapest
Reply to: belgya.tamas AT
Phone: +36-1-392-2531
Cell phone:+36-20-257-0655

Attachment: ARIELschool_poster.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

  • [Fizinfo] Fwd: FW: HISPANOS Hands-On school on the production, detection and use of neutron beams, Dr . Tamás Belgya, 01/22/2020

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