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[Fizinfo] Két előadás a FIZINFO-ra (fwd)

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  • From: listaadmin <listsadm AT>
  • To: fizinfo AT
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] Két előadás a FIZINFO-ra (fwd)
  • Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2017 12:34:18 +0100 (CET)
  • Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (1024-bit key) reason="pass (just generated, assumed good)"

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Makai Mihály levelét továbbítom:

2017. NOVEMBER 29-én (szerdán) 11:30-kor

Prof. Yuji Hasegawa (Atominstitut, TU-Wien, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Applied Physics, Hokkaido Univ., JAPAN)
szemináriumot tart

Fundamental Phenomena of Quantum Mechanics
Studied with Matter-Wave Optical Setups
--- Quantum Cheshire-Cat and Revised Uncertainty Relations ---


Helyszín: KFKI Kampusz, 19. épület Tanácsterem (földszint)

Minden érdeklődőt szívesen látunk.

Makai Mihály

Az elődás kivonata:

The validity of quantum-mechanical predictions has been confirmed with a
high degree of accuracy in a wide range of experiments. Although the
statistics of the outcomes of a measuring apparatus have been studied
intensively, little has been explored and is known regarding the
accessibility of quantum dynamics and the evolutions of a quantum system
during measurements. For this sort of fundamental studies of quantum
mechanics, interferometric and polaimetric approaches, in particular by the
use of neutron's matter-waves, provide almost ideal experimental
circumstances. The former device explicitly exhibits quantum interference
between spatially separated beams in a macroscopic scale. In contrast,
interference effects between two spin eingenstates are exposed in the
latter apparatus. Exploiting both strategies, alternative theories of
quantum mechanics, Kochen-Specker theorem and so on are studied. Recently,
as a study of quantum dynamics, neutron interferometer experiments are
carried out: a new counter-intuitive phenomenon, called quantum Cheshire-
cat, is observed. Moreover, extending the first experimental test of the
new error-disturbance uncertainty relation by using a modified neutron
polarimeter setup, we performed experiments investigating the validity of
an extended uncertainty relation for mixed ensemble as well as a new noise-
disturbance uncertainty relation in an entropic form. In my talk, I am
going to give an overview of matter-wave optical approach to investigations
of fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics.


2017. NOVEMBER 28-án (kedden) 14 órakor Prof. Yuji Hasegawa (Vienna
University) részvételével kerekasztal beszélgetést tartunk, amelynek témája
a modern kvantum-mechanika néhány kérdése.

Helyszín: KFKI Kampusz, 26. épület, az MFA tárgyalója (I. emelet balra,

Prof. Hasegawa a következő kérdések megvitatását javasolja:

Is quantum mechanics already fully understood?
Discussions on quantum dynamics: behaviors of quantum particles
How much do we really know about quantum mechanics and dynamics?
Quantum mechanics: do we really understand it?
Do neutrons help to understand quantum mechanics?
What happens in quantum world?
How can we measure entanglement?

A beszélgetés során lehetőség van egy-egy csoport kutatási eredményeinek
rövid megvitatására is. A megbeszélés tervezett időtartama 2 óra.

Minden érdeklődőt szívesen látunk.

Makai Mihály

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