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[Fizinfo] RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma

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  • From: Balog Janos <balog.janos AT>
  • To: <fizinfo AT>, <rmkiusers AT>
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
  • Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 18:52:21 +0200

RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
Tisztelettel meghívjuk

Etesi Gábor

"Gravity as a four dimensional algebraic quantum field theory"

címmel tartandó szemináriumára.


In this talk a unitary representation of the orientation-preserving
diffeomorphism group of an oriented 4-manifold is exhibited. More precisely the resulting representation space is a Banach space equipped with a non-degenerate indefinite Hermitian scalar product and as a vector space admits a family of corresponding direct sum decompositions into orthogonal pairs of maximal definite Hilbert subspaces. It is observed that the associated "net of algebras of local quantum observables" on this representation space in the sense of algebraic quantum field theory contains curvature tensors. Classical vacuum gravitational fields i.e., Einstein manifolds correspond to quantum observables obeying at least one of the above decompositions of the space. General local quantum observables of this theory are also investigated.

In this way classical general relativity exactly in 4 dimensions naturally embeds into an algebraic quantum field theory possessing a diffeomorphism group symmetry and this theory is constructed out of the structures provided by an oriented 4-manifold only.

Helye: Wigner FK RMI III.ép. Tanácsterem
Ideje: 2014. április 11. péntek du. 14:00 óra

Szívesen látunk minden érdeklődőt.
Balog János

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