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[Fizinfo] Summer school on grid computing in Budapest (fwd)

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Dezso Horvath, RMKI, Budapest: +36 1 392-2755" <horvath AT>
  • To: fizinfo <Fizinfo AT>
  • Cc: Gergely Sipos <sipos AT>, Peter Kacsuk <kacsuk AT>
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] Summer school on grid computing in Budapest (fwd)
  • Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 07:55:42 +0200 (MEST)
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: "ELFT H&#205;RAD&#211;" <>

Tisztelt Kollégák!

Mellékelem a Budapesten rendezendő Grid Summer School felhívását. A
grid-technika egyre nagyobb szerepet játszik a számítástechnikában,
mindenkinek érdemes megismerkednie vele, aki komolyabban használ

Elnézést kérek azoktól, akik már korábban megkapták.

Üdvözlettel: Horváth Dezső


Dear Sir/Madame,

I would like to draw your attention to "Joint EGEE and SEE-GRID Summer
School on Grid Application Support" organized by the Hungarian Academy
of Sciences in Budapest, between 25-30 of June. The school aims at
introducing distributed computing and grid technologies to academy and

Whereas the Web is a service for sharing information over the Internet,
the Grid is a service for sharing computer power, storage capacity, data
and knowledge over the Internet. The Grid goes well beyond simple
communication between computers, and aims ultimately to turn the global
network of computers into one vast computational resource. The summer
school introduces tools and technologies developed by the Enabling Grids
for E-Science (EGEE) project. The EGEE project brings together experts
from over 40 countries with the common aim of building on recent
advances in Grid technology and developing a service Grid infrastructure
which is available to scientists and companies 24 hours-a-day.

The EGEE infrastructure is ideal for any scientific research especially
where the time and resources needed for running the applications are
considered impractical when using traditional IT infrastructures.
The first applications to use the EGEE Grid infrastructure were from the
fields of high energy physics and biomedicine, but EGEE now also
supports applications from many other scientific domains, such as
astrophysics, computational chemistry, earth sciences, finance, fusion,
geophysics, seismic processing, healthcare, geography, digital
libraries, archaeology and multimedia. In addition, there are several
applications from the industrial sector running on the EGEE Grid, such
as applications from geophysics and the plastics industry.

Further information on the summer school can be found below, and at I would like to ask you to inform your colleagues
and communities about the event. Thank you.

Best regards,
Sipos Gergely

Computer and Automation Research Institute
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems
Mail : P.O.Box 63. H-1518 Budapest, Hungary
Office : Victor Hugo u. 18-22, Budapest XIII, Hungary
Phone/Fax : +36 1 329 7864
Web :
E-mail :
sipos AT


Joint EGEE and SEE-GRID Summer School on Grid Application Support
Budapest, Hungary, 25-30 June, 2007.


The need for intelligent, Internet based inter-organizational
collaborations is stronger than ever. Advanced results in science can be
achieved by sharing and using scientific instruments, computers, data
and knowledge bases in a collaborative fashion. Companies can survive on
rapidly changing markets only if their e-infrastructures can be swiftly
adapted to new challenges, if their IT systems can be easily reorganized
into more profitable structures.
Grid infrastructures and tools developed within the EGEE and SEE-GRID
projects enable researchers and companies to create multi-institutional
virtual organizations that control the interactions among physical,
logical and human resources. EGEE ? SEE-GRID solutions provide improved
flexibility, scalability and efficiency for IT systems in both
scientific and industrial settings. The EGEE Grid ? collecting over
30,000 CPUs 5 Petabytes (5 million Gigabytes) of storage from 40
countries ? is ideal for any compute intensive and collaborative
application, especially where the time and resources needed for the
computation are considered impractical when using traditional IT
EGEE already supports applications from several scientific and
industrial domains, such as high-energy physics, astrophysics,
computational chemistry, earth sciences, finance, fusion, geophysics,
seismic processing, healthcare, geography, digital libraries,
archaeology and multimedia.


The Joint EGEE and SEE-GRID Summer School on Grid Application Support
aims at introducing EGEE ? SEE-GRID grid technologies to potential user
communities and studying and practicing application development methods
on the EGEE grid. Existing EGEE and SEE-GRID users can advance their
knowledge on recent tools available for application developers and end
users. Experienced lecturers from the EGEE and SEE-GRID projects will
deliver talks and hands on exercises on grid concepts, services,
application development methods and tools. During dedicated sessions the
attendees ? with the help of our grid experts ? can port their own
applications onto production grid infrastructures.

Target audience

The summer school is open for anyone interested in the use of EGEE and
SEE GRID tools, technologies and infrastructures. The primary focus of
the school is on how end-users can apply the EGEE middleware and related
software services to define and operate distributed applications on top
of inter-organizational IT infrastructures. The school provides a
perfect occasion to learn the usage of grid systems without the
irrelevant low-level technical details. During dedicated sessions the
attendees? own legacy applications can be ported onto EGEE and SEE-GRID.
Representatives of the EGEE and SEE-GRID application developer
communities will assist participants to understand the process of
application gridification, to identify concepts and services that are
relevant to their specific problem and to implement and install
gridified applications on a production infrastructure. Besides getting
first-hand grid user experience the school will be an excellent forum to
meet the representatives of grid user communities, grid infrastructure
providers and grid tool developers. The summer school will be conducted
in English, no simultaneous translation will be available.


Budapest, one of the most beautiful historical capitals in Europe,
situated on the banks of the Danube, will host the summer school. The
architectural beauty with its monuments from neo-classic through baroque
to eclectic art nouveau is prevalent in the city. Budapest is also world
famous for its artistic abundance of concerts, operas, recitals, galas
and exhibitions. The warm hospitality of people, excellent food and wine
reliable and frequent public transportation, vivid cultural life, rich
museums attract millions of visitors every year. Visitor friendly visa
policy, value-for-the-price services and goods, and pleasant climate
make Hungary one of the most popular meeting venues worldwide.

More information and registration

For additional information on grid computing, school program,
registration and hotel reservation please visit

Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Peter Kacsuk
Chair of Organizing Committee


  • [Fizinfo] Summer school on grid computing in Budapest (fwd), Dezso Horvath, RMKI, Budapest: +36 1 392-2755, 06/08/2007

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