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- From: Szunyogh Laszlo <szunyogh AT>
- To: fizinfo AT
- Subject: [Fizinfo] hirdetes
- Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 17:26:06 -0100 (GMT+1)
- List-id: ELFT HRAD <>
A Budapesti Mûszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Fizikai Intézet, Elméleti Fizika Tanszék
tudományos szemináriumára
Az elôadás címe: The structure of Physics from START
Elôadó: Prof. Jaime Keller
Center of Computational Materials Science
University of Technology Vienna, Austria
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Idôpont: 2000. november 17. (péntek) 10:15
Helyszín: XI. Budafoki út 8., F ép. III. lh., mfsz., szemináriumi szoba
Minden érdeklôdôt szívesen látunk!
Szunyogh László
tel: 06-1-463-4109
fax: 06-1-463-3567
szunyogh AT
Az elôadás a szerzô új könyvének eredményeit mutatja be.
Figyelemfelkeltésként csatoljuk a könyv ismertetôjét:
Theory of the Electron
A Theory of Matter from START
(short text)
This book is devoted to the construction of a deductive theory of the
electron, starting from first principles and using a single mathematical
tool, geometric analysis. Its purpose is to present a comprehensive theory
of the electron to that step where connection is made with the main
approaches to the study of the electron in physics, in such a form that,
once those have been derived anew, the reader can use them for particular
The electron has come, in the first century after its discovery, to be a
fundamental element in the analysis of physical aspects of nature.
Including aspects of quantum theory, in practice modeled as a theory of the
electron and with its main examples usually related to the behavior of the
electron. Of quantum electrodynamics, the starting point for the
development of the standard model in elementary particle physics. Even in
general relativity the electron is an acceptable test particle
The book is therefore directed to two types of audiences. Primarily to
theoretical physicists not only in the field of electron physics but also
in the more general field of quantum mechanics, of elementary particle
physics and of general relativity. Of course theoretical chemists and
quantum chemists are by force involved in this branch of theoretical
physics. The secondary audience are mathematicians in the field of
geometric analysis as they are always observing the applications of the
The book is written, an in fact was born, for an audience of graduate
students in the subjects mentioned in the paragraph above. Nevertheless it
presents a new, comprehensive, fundamental approach to the theory of matter
and as such it is relevant to scientists working in theoretical physics or
analyzing theoretical physics. In this sense the book has kept a structure,
suitable for this audience in mathematical physics, where physical
reasoning is given more space than usual.
(structure of the book)In the introduction the methodology is described.
In chapter 2 the concept of space-time-action relativity theory is
presented in a form suitable for this book(the derivation of General
Relativity from START is the main example) and in Chapter 3 the
mathematical structures which describe action are analyzed (here the
derivation of Density Functional Theory and of Quantum Mechanics are the
main examples). Chapters 4, 5 and 6 deal with the theory of the electron in
a series of aspects where the geometrical analysis is more relevant (the
derivation of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles is one of the
examples in this chapters). Finally in Chapter 7 we present the form of
geometrical analysis which was used in the book, we felt this was needed
because of the broad range of topics which were covered and because of the
range of mathematical structures which are implicitly or explicitly
- [Fizinfo] hirdetes, Szunyogh Laszlo, 11/02/2000
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