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- From: László E.Szabó <leszabo AT>
- To: fizinfo AT, mafla AT, koglist <koglist AT>
- Subject: [Fizinfo] TUDOMANYFILOZOFIA SZEMINARIUM, K. S c h l e s i n g e r
- Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 18:45:52 +0200
ELTE TTK Tudomanytortenet es Tudomanyfilozofia Tanszek
Budapest, Pazmany P. setany 1/A
Április 17
6. em. 6.54
K a r l - G e o r g S c h l e s i n g e r
University of Wuppertal
Quantization in mathematics
Quantization, a topic as everybody knows coming from physics, is more
and more entering pure mathematics in the sense of quantization
mathematical structures themselves. The approach of deformation
quantization does presently seem to be the most successful and
deformation quantization of mathematical structures - from topological
spaces and manifolds over groups to special functions - is everywhere
present. We present an overview, focusing on the general ideas of this
approach and leaving out the technical details. Quite separate from the
modern approaches, there is the old idea of Birkhoff and von Neumann
that quantum theory leads to the introduction of a nonclassical logic
and that one should develop a corresponding quantum set theory. We give
heuristic arguments showing that it seems indeed to be possible to view
the modern quantum deformation theory as doing mathematics in such a
quantum set theory.
A szeminarium szervezoje: E. Szabo Laszlo
Laszlo E. Szabo
Department of Theoretical Physics
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Eotvos University, Budapest
H-1518 Budapest, Pf. 32.
Phone: (36-1)2090-555/6671
Fax: (36-1)372-2509
Home: (36-1)200-7318
- [Fizinfo] TUDOMANYFILOZOFIA SZEMINARIUM, K. S c h l e s i n g e r, László E . Szabó, 04/11/2000
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