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- From: Szeminárium koordinátor <sem-admin AT>
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- Subject: [Fizinfo] Szemináriumok - Seminars: Vlatko Gašparić
- Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 06:00:01 +0100 (CET)
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SZFI SeminarVlatko GašparićHUN-REN Wigner RCP SZFIPhotonic nanojet and its
combination with plasmonics for enhancing the Raman spectroscopyTuesday, 18
February 2025, 10:00, KFKI Campus, Bldg. 1, 2nd floor, Conference RoomToday’s
field of chemical and structural characterization is unimaginable without
Raman spectroscopy, which is present in many modern scientific, industrial
and medical laboratories. The significant need for the enhancement of Raman
scattering signal has drawn many innovative methods to emerge. One of those
methods rely on a narrow non-resonant beam of light generated by illuminating
a microlens, which is called a photonic nanojet (PNJ).In this seminar talk,
after the basic introduction of the main concepts, the current state of the
art will be presented from the aspect of the enhancement of Raman
spectroscopy by the PNJ [1,2], and the computations of the PNJ and its
properties [3,4].Afterwards, the newest accomplishments will be presented:
Firstly, the experimental measurements of a combined surface-enhanced Raman
scattering (SERS) and PNJ enhancement, which show the behaviour of the method
under different experimental parameters. Secondly, the calculations of the
PNJ based on generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) and lastly the simulations
of an optical device for combined plasmonic and PNJ enhancement of Raman
scattering which has been optimized by varying the parameters.[1] V.
Gašparić, S. Taccheo, H. Gebavi, D. Ristić, M. Ivanda; 2020, Journal of Raman
spectroscopy, 51, p165-175, "Photonic nanojet mediated Raman enhancement:
Vertical Raman mapping and simple ray matrix analysis" [2] V. Gašparić, D.
Ristić, H. Gebavi, M. Ivanda; 2021, Applied surface science, 545, p149036,
"Resolution and signal enhancement of Raman mapping by photonic nanojet of a
microsphere" [3] V. Gašparić, D. Ristić, T. G. Mayerhöfer, N. Baran, H.
Gebavi, A. Maksimović, M. Ivanda; 2022, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy
and Radiative Transfer, 282, p108121, "Photonic Nanojet of a Gaussian Beam
Illuminated Low Refractive Index Microsphere in Air: a Comprehensive
Variation of Parameters" [4] V. Gašparić, T. G. Mayerhöfer, D. Zopf, D.
Ristić, J. Popp, M. Ivanda; 2022, Optics Letters, 47, p2534-2537, "To
generate a photonic nanojet outside a high refractive index microsphere
illuminated by a Gaussian beam" Minden érdeklődőt szívesen látunk! -
Everyone is welcome to attend.Attila Nagysem-admin AT
- [Fizinfo] Szemináriumok - Seminars: Vlatko Gašparić, Szeminárium koordinátor, 02/13/2025
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