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[Fizinfo] Szemináriumok - Seminars: Unai Atxitia

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  • From: Szeminárium koordinátor <sem-admin AT>
  • To: SZFI User <szfkiuser AT>,Fizinfo <fizinfo AT>
  • Cc: Fizinfo <fizinfo AT>
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] Szemináriumok - Seminars: Unai Atxitia
  • Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 06:00:01 +0200 (CEST)
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SZFI SeminarUnai AtxitiaInstitute of Materials Science, Madrid (host: Rózsa
Levente)On the conditions for femtosecond laser-induced ultrafast toggle
switching in 2D ferrimagnetic alloys Tuesday, 17 September 2024, 10:00, KFKI
Campus, Bldg. 1, 2nd floor, Conference RoomThe Mermin-Wagner theorem
establishes that long-range magnetic order is prohibited in two-dimensional
(2D) isotropic magnets with short-range interactions due to the effects of
thermal fluctuations. Nevertheless, magnetically stable 2D van der Waals
(vdW) materials have recently been discovered, where magnetic anisotropy
plays a crucial role in stabilizing magnetic order [1]. These materials offer
the opportunity to explore fundamental questions that remain unanswered [2].
A prominent example is field-free, all-optical ultrafast magnetization
switching, which has been experimentally demonstrated in 3D ferrimagnetic
GdFe alloys. Despite recent efforts to understand the mechanisms underlying
this effect in bulk 3D ferrimagnetic alloys [3], the implications of
dimensional effects in 2D systems remain undetermined.In this study, we
explore the impact of reduced dimensionality on the ultrafast magnetization
switching effect in 2D ferrimagnets using atomistic spin dynamics (ASD)
simulations. ASD techniques account for thermal fluctuations, which
significantly influence the magnetic behavior of 2D materials [4]. Through
this approach, we aim to understand how magnetic anisotropy affects the
switching phenomenon in 2D structures compared to bulk systems.Firstly, our
results show that while the critical temperature in 3D systems linearly
depends on the anisotropy value, this dependence is logarithmic in 2D
structures. Secondly, we find that the temperature dependence of the magnetic
order relaxation time, following a sudden temperature increase, shows only a
slight dependence on anisotropy in 3D systems. In contrast, the behavior in
2D systems as a function of anisotropy is much more complex. Finally, we
demonstrate that femtosecond laser pulse-induced toggle switching in 2D
ferrimagnets is possible. However, unlike in 3D systems, where the anisotropy
value has little effect on the switching process, in 2D systems, switching is
only possible at relatively high anisotropy values.Our findings pave the way
for understanding the influence of dimensionality on the fundamental
mechanisms of laser-induced ultrafast toggle switching. Furthermore, our
results encourage the search for novel 2D ferrimagnetic materials with
increased magnetic anisotropy, making them potential candidates to exhibit
this effect.[1] M. Gibertini, M. Koperski, A.F. Morpurgo, et al., Nat.
Nanotechnol. 14, 408 (2019). [2] S. Jenkins et al. Nat. Comm. 13, 6917
(2022)[3] F. Jakobs and U. Atxitia. Phys. Rev. B 106, 134414 (2022). [4] Q.
H. Wang, A. Bedoya-Pinto, M. Blei, et al., ACS Nano 16, 6960
(2022).&nbsp;Minden érdeklődőt szívesen látunk! - Everyone is welcome to
attend.Attila Nagysem-admin AT

  • [Fizinfo] Szemináriumok - Seminars: Unai Atxitia, Szeminárium koordinátor, 09/12/2024

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