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[Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma

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  • From: Somogyi Gábor <somogyi.gabor AT>
  • To: rmkiusers AT, fizinfo AT
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] [Rmkiusers] Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
  • Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 09:09:35 +0200
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Wigner FK RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
Tisztelettel meghívjuk

Suraj Prasad
(Indian Institute of Technology)

"Segregating inclusive, prompt and non-prompt production of J/𝜓 at the LHC
energies using machine learning”

címmel tartandó szemináriumára.


In collider experiments, the production of J/𝜓, a bound state of charm and
anti-charm quarks (c\𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑐), can serve as the testing ground for the theory of
strong interaction. In experiments, J/𝜓 meson production yield is preferably
estimated by reconstructing it from its electromagnetic decays to dileptons,
i.e., J/𝜓→𝜇++𝜇− or J/𝜓→𝑒++𝑒−. This inclusive production of J/𝜓 includes both
prompt and non-prompt contributions. The prompt J/𝜓 are produced in the
initial hadronic collisions or via feed-down from directly produced higher
charmonium states. In contrast, the non-prompt J/𝜓 are the products of weak
decays of the beauty hadrons. This study uses machine learning (ML) based
models such as the XGBoost and LightGBM to identify the inclusive, prompt and
non-prompt production of J/𝜓 from the uncorrelated background dimuon pairs.
The model is trained using PYTHIA8 generated data for proton-proton (pp)
collisions at 𝑠√=13 TeV. The inputs to both the ML models include the
observables that are easily obtained in the experiments. Both models attain a
prediction accuracy of up to 99% while retaining the transverse momentum,
pseudorapidity and collision energy dependence. In addition, the models can
be applied to identify each dimuon pair separately having any value of
transverse momentum in any rapidity range. Thus, it can probe the production
fraction of non-prompt J/𝜓 (𝑓𝐵) in smaller 𝑝𝑇 and rapidity bins. In addition,
this dimuon level tagging can help us study many physics aspects, such as
polarization and flow measurements of prompt and nonprompt J/𝜓 with ease
experimentally, which is an advantage of using this method.

Reference: S. Prasad, N. Mallick and R. Sahoo, Phys. Rev. D 109, 014005

Helye: Wigner FK RMI III. ép. Tanácsterem
Ideje: 2024 április 19. péntek d.u. 2 óra

Szívesen látunk minden érdeklődőt.

Somogyi Gábor

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