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- From: Szeminárium koordinátor <sem-admin AT>
- To: SZFI Szeminárium <seminar AT>,Fizinfo <fizinfo AT>
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- Subject: [Fizinfo] Szemináriumok - Seminars: Akira Ozawa
- Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2022 06:00:01 +0100 (CET)
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SZFI SeminarAkira OzawaMax-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany (host:
Domokos Péter)Frequency combs in the extreme ultraviolet and their
applicationsTuesday, 8 November 2022, 10:00, KFKI Campus, Bldg. 1, 2nd floor,
Conference RoomA Frequency comb comprises of mutually phase coherent pulse
trains generated from a mode-locked pulsed laser, which translates to equally
spaced narrow peaks in the frequency domain. Nowadays, frequency combs are
considered essential in the field of frequency metrology. However, their
spectral coverage is usually limited to the range extending from the visible
to the infrared wavelengths due to the fundamental difficulty of developing
stable mode-locked lasers in the ultraviolet region. To overcome this, we
employ high-order harmonic generation (HHG) to transfer the spectral
properties of an IR frequency comb to the extreme ultraviolet (XUV)
wavelengths. This way, optical frequency metrology can be extended into
unexplored wavelength regions of XUV. One of the important applications is
high-precision spectroscopy of simple atomic targets. The energy levels of
hydrogen-like atoms can be precisely described by bound-state quantum
electrodynamics (QED). The 1S-2S transition of hydrogen-like He+ ion is an
important XUV spectroscopy target for testing QED. Due to their charge, He+
ions can be held near-motionless in the field-free environment of a Paul
trap, providing ideal conditions for high-precision measurement. Interesting
higher-order QED corrections scale with large exponents of the nuclear
charge, which makes this measurement much more sensitive to these
corrections. In this talk, we show our recent progress on (X)UV frequency
comb generation and its applications. Our effort toward high-precision
spectroscopy of the He+ 1S-2S transition will be presented. We also discuss
future prospects to perform (X)UV frequency metrology with a compact and
transportable setup. Minden érdeklődőt szívesen látunk! - Everyone is
welcome to attend.Attila Nagysem-admin AT
- [Fizinfo] Szemináriumok - Seminars: Akira Ozawa, Szeminárium koordinátor, 11/03/2022
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