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[Fizinfo] BME Elm. Fiz. Szeminárium, máj. 21, Varjas Dániel

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Janos Asboth <asboth AT>
  • To: fizinfo AT, elmfiz.oktatok-kutatok AT, elmfiz.hallgatok AT
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] BME Elm. Fiz. Szeminárium, máj. 21, Varjas Dániel
  • Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 17:46:53 +0200


BME Elméleti Fizika Szeminárium,

május 21. péntek 10h15,
online a Microsoft Teams-ben
Varjas Dániel (Stockholm University, Dept of Physics
Topological Weaire-Thorpe models of amorphous matter

Amorphous solids remain outside of the classification and systematic
discovery of new topological materials, partially due to the lack of
realistic models that are analytically tractable. Here we introduce the
topological Weaire-Thorpe class of models, which are defined on amorphous
lattices with fixed coordination number, a realistic feature of covalently
bonded amorphous solids. Their short-range properties allow us to
analytically predict spectral gaps. Their symmetry under permutation of
orbitals allows us to analytically compute topological phase diagrams,
which determine quantized observables like circular dichroism, by
introducing symmetry indicators for the first time in amorphous systems.
These models and our procedures to define invariants are generalizable to
higher coordination number and dimensions, opening a route towards a
complete classification of amorphous topological states in real space using
quasilocal properties.

Publication: Q Marsal, D Varjas, AG Grushin: Topological Weaire-Thorpe
models of amorphous matter, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 202007384 (2020)

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk.

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