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[Fizinfo] BME Elm. Fiz. Szeminárium, nov. 6, Nagyfalusi Balázs

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Janos Asboth <asboth.janos AT>
  • To: fizinfo AT
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] BME Elm. Fiz. Szeminárium, nov. 6, Nagyfalusi Balázs
  • Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2020 21:34:47 +0100
  • Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (1024-bit key) reason="pass (just generated, assumed good)"


BME Elméleti Fizika Szeminárium,

november 6. péntek 10h15,
online a Microsoft Teams-ben

Nagyfalusi Balázs (BME Elm. Fiz. tanszék):

Magnetic anisotropy and spin reorientation transition in thin films - the
metadynamics method

Controlling the preferred direction of the magnetic moments is essential
for the design of spintronic devices based on ultrathin films and
heterostructures. As the film thickness or the temperature is increased,
the easy anisotropy axis is typically reoriented from an out-of-plane
direction preferred by surface and interface energy contributions to an
in-plane alignment favored by the volume anisotropy terms, termed a
spin-reorientation transition (SRT). In this talk I will first discuss the
well-tempered metadynamics, the method we used for the simulations, as well
as ab initio methods to calculate the parameters of the spin model. Then I
will present our results on Fe bilayers deposited on Au(001) substrate and
show theoretical evidence for the temperature dependent SRT in Fe bilayers
on W(110) [1]. In context of this sytem, I will finally outline the
importance of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions in the emergence of the
SRT [2].

[1] B. Nagyfalusi, L. Udvardi, and L. Szunyogh, Physical Review B 100,
174429 (2019)
[2] B. Nagyfalusi, L. Udvardi, L. Szunyogh, and L. Rózsa, arxiv:2007.14116

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk.

Asbóth János
szemináriumi koordinátor

  • [Fizinfo] BME Elm. Fiz. Szeminárium, nov. 6, Nagyfalusi Balázs, Janos Asboth, 11/04/2020

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