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- From: Miklós Werner <wernermiklos AT>
- To: fizinfo AT
- Subject: [Fizinfo] Rakovszky Tibor előadása a BME-n
- Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2018 15:38:35 +0200
- Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (2048-bit key)
A BME-MTA Egzotikus Kvantumfázisok csoport következő szemináriuma:
*Rakovszky Tibor (TU München)*
"Hydrodynamics of quantum information from random circuit models"
*Időpont és helyszín:*
2018. április 10. 14:15
BME Fizikai Intézet könyvtára (F épület, 3. lépcsőház, magasföldszint)
We use random local unitary circuits to gain insight into the scrambling of
quantum information under time evolution in many-body systems. Such
scrambling is measured by the spatial spreading of initially local
operators and the closely related concept of out-of-time-ordered
correlators (OTOCs). For a circuit with no conservation laws we show that
these quantities have an exact ”hydrodynamic” description in terms of a
biased diffusion equation, and discuss the consequences for the growth of
entanglement. We conjecture that a similar effective description should
hold in more generic ergodic systems, a claim supported by numerical
results. Furthermore, we consider random circuits with a U(1) symmetry and
describe the interplay between the hydrodynamics of the conserved charge
and that of quantum information, which leads to long-time power law tails
in both time-ordered and out-of-time-ordered correlators. We also discuss
the behavior of OTOCs at different chemical potentials, an analogous
quantity to the finite temperature OTOCs introduced in the literature, and
find that at low filling fractions they exhibit an initial slow, diffusive
spreading at short times.
Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk.
A szemináriumsorozat további programja:
Werner Miklós Antal
- [Fizinfo] Rakovszky Tibor előadása a BME-n, Miklós Werner, 04/05/2018
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