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[Fizinfo] VUVX Satellite Workshop, 26-28 June 2016, Szeged - invitation

Chronological Thread 
  • From: ELI-ALPS Public Relations <pr AT>
  • To: "fizinfo AT" <fizinfo AT>
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] VUVX Satellite Workshop, 26-28 June 2016, Szeged - invitation
  • Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2016 13:44:42 +0000
  • Accept-language: hu-HU, en-US

Tisztelt Szerkesztő!

Csatolva küldjük az ELI-ALPS következő rendezvényének programját. A
részletekről lentebb görgetve olvashat.

Kérjük, amennyiben lehetősége van rá, küldje el ezt levelezőlistájukra!

Segítségét előre is nagyon köszönjük.


ELI-ALPS PR és Kommunikációs Csoport

Dear Addressee,

The Extreme Light Infrastructure, ELI, kindly invites you to the workshop
"Ultrafast Dynamics and Time-Resolved Interactions"
( to be held on 26-28 June 2016, in
Szeged, Hungary, as a satellite meeting of the International Conference
VUVX2016 (, which will take place in Zürich, 3-8
July 2016.

The workshop will address the most recent research results obtained with
lasers, free electron lasers and synchrotron radiation in the field of
ultrafast dynamics in systems ranging from atoms and molecules to clusters,
surfaces, interfaces and solids, highlighting the exciting perspectives in
the field using the new possibilities offered by ELI.

The deadline for the abstract submission and registration is 17 June.

Abstract submission


For further information on VUVX Satellite Workshop programme, please visit:

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the workshop in Szeged!

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Attachment: VUVX_programme.pdf
Description: VUVX_programme.pdf

  • [Fizinfo] VUVX Satellite Workshop, 26-28 June 2016, Szeged - invitation, ELI-ALPS Public Relations, 06/08/2016

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