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[Fizinfo] RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Balog Janos <balog.janos AT>
  • To: <fizinfo AT>, <rmkiusers AT>
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
  • Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 09:36:12 +0100

RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma
Tisztelettel meghívjuk

Ines Aniceto
(University of Lisbon)

"Resurgent Analysis in Quantum Theories: Perturbative Theory and Beyond"

címmel tartandó szemináriumára.


In order to study the weakly coupled regime of some given quantum theory we often make use of perturbative expansions of the physical quantities of interest. But such expansions are often divergent, with zero radius of convergence, and defined only as asymptotic series. In fact, this divergence is connected to the existence of nonperturbative contributions, i.e. instanton effects that cannot be simply captured by a perturbative analysis. The theory of resurgence is a mathematical tool which allows us to effectively study this connection and its consequences. Moreover, it allows us to construct a full non-perturbative solution from perturbative data. In this talk, I will review the essential role of resurgence theory in the description of the analytic solution behind the asymptotic series. I will then relate resurgence to the so-called Stokes phenomena and phase transitions using the quartic integral example, and will further discuss some major applications of this construction.

Helye: Wigner FK RMI III.ép. Tanácsterem
Ideje: 2014. március 28. péntek du. 14:00 óra

Szívesen látunk minden érdeklődőt.
Balog János

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