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[Fizinfo] Yoshio Kuramoto előadása a BME-n

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  • From: Edina Szirmai <eszirmai AT>
  • To: Fizinfo AT
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] Yoshio Kuramoto előadása a BME-n
  • Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 12:38:47 +0100
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a BME Fizikai Intézet Elméleti Fizika Tanszékének és
"Egzotikus Kvantum Fázisok" kutatócsoportjának
közös szemináriumára

Yoshio Kuramoto
Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN
(Vendéglátó: Kiss Annamária)

Superconductivity and multipoles of electron-spin
composites in two-channel Kondo lattice

The Kondo lattice model, if properly generalized, provides microscopic
understanding of rich varieties of ordering phenomena in strongly
correlated electrons. Moreover, the model can predict new orders that can
be tested experimentally. We demonstrate novel electronic orders in the
Kondo lattice by including multi-bands of conduction electrons. The
resultant two-channel Kondo lattice at zero temperature cannot remain
disordered because of the remaining fractional entropy at each site, and
unconventional orders are realized. The hidden symmetry SO(5) of the model
at half-filling of conduction bands causes degeneracy between multipole
composite orders with three components, and an odd-frequency
superconducting order with a complex order parameter. Detailed numerical
calculation shows that deviation from the half-filling makes the
superconductivity most stable for a certain range of the density. We
discuss peculiar features of the order parameters.

Az előadás helye: BME F III. épület, magasföldszint, szemináriumi szoba.
Ideje: 2014. március 10. hétfő, 14:15.

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!

Szirmai Edina

Edina Szirmai
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budafoki ut 8.
Budapest, Hungary
Tel:(+36-1) 463-4107
Fax:(+36-1) 463-3567

  • [Fizinfo] Yoshio Kuramoto előadása a BME-n, Edina Szirmai, 03/06/2014

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