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[Fizinfo] DE Szilardtest Fizika Tanszek, Szeminarium

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Erdelyi Zoltan <zerdelyi AT>
  • To: fizinfo <fizinfo AT>
  • Subject: [Fizinfo] DE Szilardtest Fizika Tanszek, Szeminarium
  • Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 11:33:59 +0100 (CET)
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: ELFT HÍRADÓ <>


Debreceni Egyetem
Szilardtest Fizika Tanszek


2009. januar 5., hetfo, 13:00 ora

Debrecen, Bem ter 18/b.
Szilardtest Fizika Tanszek
Eloado terem


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Prof. Dr. Guido Schmitz

Institut für Materialphysi
Westf. Wilhelms-Univ. Münste
Münster, Germany

Down-scaling is a major principle of modern technology. Often, the introduction of nanostructured devices has led to an at least improved functionality, sometimes even to new functional principles. However, the technical production and also the reliability of such devices are controlled by solid state reactions that proceed on the range of a few nanometers only. On such a short length scale even basic aspects of reaction physics as fundamental as e.g. the Ficks laws of diffusion, need to be reconsidered.

In order to study reactions on a nanometer scale experimentally, only very few dedicated techniques are suitable. Among them, the atom probe tomography is exceptional, as it allows the detection and localization of individual atoms with an accuracy of a lattice constant. An almost complete reconstruction of the 3D atomic arrangement of different atomic species gets possible.

The talk provides an overview on recent topics on the reaction physics of nano-structured matter. After an introductory course presenting principles and current developments in atom probe tomography, physical mechanisms of solid state reactions are discussed in view of dedicated experiments at metallic thin film interfaces. How does nucleation of an interfacial product take place? What is the relation between early growth and the overall reaction kinetics? Does interfacial thermodynamics influence the stability of technical multilayers as they are used e.g. in GMR magnetic sensors? The atom probe tomography provides certainly new insights in these phenomena.


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