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- From: "Laszlo E. Szabo" <leszabo AT>
- To: mafla <mafla AT>, fizinfo <fizinfo AT>, Multiple recipients of list <koglist AT>
- Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 02:33:59 +0000
- List-id: ELFT HRAD <>
- Organization: Eotvos University
ELTE TTK Tudomanytortenet es Tudomanyfilozofia Tanszek
Budapest, Pazmany P. setany 1/A
2001, marcius
Marcius 5.
6. em. 6.54
C s a b a F e r e n c
ELTE, BTK Filozofiai Intezet, Logika Tanszek
Godel nemteljessegi tetelei
Az eloadas elso feleben, a technikai reszletek esszeru adagolasaval
attekintjuk a godeli
gomdolatmenetet, kiemelve a logikai komplexitas fogalmanak jelentoseget,
s kiterve nehany
kesobbi fejlemenyre is. A masodik reszben nehany, a tetelek altal
felvetett filozofiai kerdesrol
lesz szo. Az egyik a matematikai igazsag fogalmanak letjogosultsaga es
a tetelek
bizonyitasaban jatszott szerepe. Godel: "(A)z eldonthetetlen matematikai
megkonstrualasanak heurisztikus alapelve az objektiv matematikai igazsag
transzfinit fogalma volt." A masik a "mechanizmus es optimizmus''
kerdeskor, amely az utobbi
evtizedekben ujra es ujra felmerult, de nem mindig mas megvilagitasban.
Godel: "A matematika vagy lenyege szerint befejezhetetlen, abban az
ertelemben, hogy evidens axiomai soha nem ragadhatok meg valamely veges
szabaly segitsegevel, vagyis az emberi elme (meg a tiszta matematika
teruleten is) vegtelenul meghaladja barmely veges gep
teljesitokepesseget, vagy pedig leteznek (...) abszolut megoldhatatlan
diofantikus problemak
(az sem zarhato ki, hogy a ket lehetoseg mindegyike fennall, igy
szigoruan veve harom
alternativaval van dolgunk)."
Marcius 12.
6. em. 6.54
G y o r g y M a r k u s
CEU, Budapest, Philosophy Program
University of Sydney
Condorcet: Communication/Science/Democracy
Condorcet is usually regarded as the last footnote to the history of
French Enlightenment.The
paper - an attempt at his "rehabilitation" - tries to disclose the
connectionsbetween his philosophy of history, his views of science as
simultaneously an
epistemic andsocial formation, and his political philosophy. His ideas
not only prefigure some
more contemporary theories - his dispute with Rousseau represents the
first great
confrontationbetween the two great cultural trends of modernity, between
(the broadly
understood)"Enlightenment" and "Romanticism".
Marcius 19.
6. em. 6.54
P e e t e r M u u r s e p p
The University of Mainor
Tallinn, Estonia
Chaos, Irreversibility and Indeterminism
There is a debate going on concerning the nature of science of today
that centres round
theproblems of chaos, irreversibility and indeterminism. The debate has
been provoked by
theworks of Ilya Prigogine, who advocates a principal turn in science
during the last
decadesof XX-th century. The claims of Ilya Prigogine have been
criticised by Jean Bricmont,
whorefuses to recognise the novelty of the approach of I. Prigogine. It
seems, however, that
J.Bricmont has not hit the target with his criticism. Putting it
somewhat roughly, the main
reason of I. Bricmont's misfire seems to be his concentration on the
problem of
determinism,whereas the heart of the matter lies in irreversibility.
Therefore, the aim of the talk
is clarifyingthe issues of indeterminism and irreversibility in the
light of the debate mentioned
above. It isuseful to fulfil this purpose by addressing the nature of
the different types of
chaos,deterministic and quantum. Although the main source of the
discussion is
contemporary, Ineed to take a short look back at the ideas of Ludwig
Boltzmann, whose works
have clearlyinspired both of the debating parties.
Marcius 26.
6. em. 6.54
N e n a d M i s c e v i c
CEU, Budapest, Philosophy Program
Philosophy Department, University of Maribor, Slovenia
A szeminarium szervezoje: E. Szabo Laszlo
Laszlo E. Szabo
Department of Theoretical Physics
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Eotvos University, Budapest
H-1518 Budapest, Pf. 32, Hungary
Phone/Fax: (36-1)372-2924
Home: (36-1) 200-7318
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- [Fizinfo] TUDOMANYFILOZOFIA SZEMINARIUM, marcius, Laszlo E. Szabo, 02/28/2001
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